GOD's WORD in 2016 

 The Lord guided me to reading the Scriptures of that day before addressing His message(s) to me. 

The Messages of God in December 2016

4th December, received at Adoration, Banneux  

(The Second Sunday of Advent, Year A)

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 3:1-12

The Lord says, 

“I came from afar like blazing fire; I come to show my people that I AM the WAY TO HEAVEN. Listen My people, Repent! Listen to My Voice crying in the wilderness, and welcome Me into your life. And, I will come to save you and live with you forever.”  

The homily of today’s 2nd Sunday of Advent Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Lk 3:4. 6) does answer the word of God above:

Alleluia, alleluia!
Prepare a way for the LORD,
make His paths straight,
and all mankind shall see the salvation of God. 

11th December, received at Adoration, Banneux 

(The Third Sunday of Advent, Year A) 

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 11:2-11

The Lord says, 

“I bless you, My dear people. I am your Living God…,give Me your heart, and I give you My Spirit, so that you can be healed from all your problems of the world. Lean on Me and trust Me, for I am the Way to your salvation.”    

Come Lord, Jesus! AMEN!

The homily of today’s 3rd Sunday of Advent Mass was not noted, but today’s Sunday Psalm Gospel (Ps 145:6-10. R/ Is 35:4) does answer the word of God above:

R/ Come, Lord, and save us.

It is the Lord who keeps faith forever,
who is just to those who are oppressed.
It is He who gives bread to the hungry,
the Lord, who sets prisoners free. 

It is the Lord who gives sight to the blind, 
who raises up those who are bowed down,
the Lord, who protects the stranger
and upholds the widow and orphan.

It is the Lord who loves the just
but thwarts the path of the wicked. 
The Lord will reign forever,
Zion’s God, from age to age.

25th December, received at Adoration, Banneux  

(Christmas Day – The Nativity of our Lord)

The Gospel Reading – John 1:1-18

The Lord says, 

“Listen, listen to Me My dear people; may My Peace… be with you today, as I come to you as Saviour… I save you from the darkness, for I am the Way to the Father. Come and follow Me; I shall be your Hiding Place… do not be afraid, I wipe your tears away and  from now on, you shall live! Have faith in Me at all times. I invite you to pray in silence today, and may you be filled with My presence, and thus your heart is filled with My Joy! Rejoice! I am your Saviour that you can trust in, and upon Him you shall call “Abba!” Almighty One, Prince of Peace, Counsellor …. I am, I was and is to come. Are you ready to be My witness? Love Me more through sanctity… I bless you.”    +       AMEN!

The homily of today’s Sunday Mass on the Nativity of our Lord was not noted, but today’s Sunday Psalm (Ps 97:1-6. R/ v:3) does answer the word of God above:

R/ All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

Sing a new song to the Lord
for he has worked wonders. 
His right hand and His holy arm
have brought SALVATION! 

The Lord has made known His salvation;
has shown his justice to the nations. 
He has remembered His Truth and Love
for the house of Israel. 

All the ends of the earth have seen 
the salvation of our God. 
shout to the Lord all the earth, 
ring out your JOY!
Sing psalms to the Lord with the harp, 
with the sound of music.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
Acclaim the King, the LORD!

The Messages of God in November 2016

6th November, received at Adoration, Banneux 

The 1st Reading – Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14; 
The 2nd Reading – Thessalonians 2:16-3:5; The Gospel Reading – Luke 20:27-38

The Lord says,

My little ones, listen to Me… I am the Resurrection and the Life! I come to you because I am compassionate (gentle) and merciful. I come to give you LIFE…; I breathe you to life as I am your God of LIFE. Are you aware of that? Or, are you worried or in doubt? You shall never enter to My Kingdom, if you reject this Truth. Open your heart now…and search Me…for I am the TRUTH. If you do so, I will make you see the Truth, and doubt no more. I invite you to choose life with Me rather than your “egocentric” life. And, believe that I am your Lord who resurrected amongst the dead, and through Me…you shall have Eternal Life!”    

At today’s Sunday Mass the priest’s preaching draws our attention to the importance of having faith in God’s mysterious resurrection, through which He becomes our saviour.  Here is the priest’s preaching, “The resurrection from the death? This is a great mystery?  (…) Brothers and sisters, the source of our faith is the Word of God. His Word proclaims His resurrection from the death. (…) In the first reading, it is the example of a mother died due to her faith. Resurrection does not belong to the patronage of the church – that is on human level conception. (…) We’re going to pay our debt through sufferings. Being Christian is different…we only have one life and it is short. (…) You may ask yourselves, ‘Do I receive God’s mercy’? What avoids us from going towards God’s Kingdom is PRIDE (egoistic)! Whatever you are…you may ask, ‘Am I walking on the way to the Light of God?’ (…) Marriage is not only procreation - the hope of life is eternal. Are you ready to wait for a child…? It’s a great responsibility of parents. You must educate your children towards the Truth…that is, “Life Eternal, and not only to procreate them; all this must be done out of CHARITY (Love). God presents in love and in union of parents and its family.  And we are here as brothers and sisters in God’s love, to celebrate this Eucharist with God’s Charity – that’s Eternal! We resemble the image of Christ in His glorious body. The love of God that we knit with one another is fundamental, whereby we ask ‘pardon’ and ‘thank you’ – why? Because it is ‘Love incarnated’, if not it is not love! (…) We believe that there is the resurrection of body (life), as God is the LIVING GOD! AMEN!

13th November, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The 1st Reading – Malachi 3:19-20 

The 2nd Reading – Thessalonians 3:7-12; The Gospel Reading – Luke 21:5-19

The Lord says, 

“Listen Israel! Listen My people…, I come with power and grace…, I come with blazing love to purify you! I come to make you see, that I AM the ALPHA and the OMEGA… who is, who was and who is to come, to save you. My blazing love shall not stop to shine upon you, to mould you, to cleanse you, and to make you mine. Behold! For I will make all things new, in you and you shall never be afraid that I come to your life to touch your inner being and make you whole! Do not be afraid. But have faith in Me and be saved. Love one another as I have loved you. Thank you for having listened to my call. I bless you!”    + 


At today’s Sunday Mass the priest’s preaching draws our attention to the importance of having faith in our saviour AND HENCE BE SAVED.  Here is the priest’s preaching, “… there you are - the prophetic of Jesus. (…) but do not be afraid Jesus says; erect your head high because your liberation is near at hand. (…) our souls are in security… through Jesus Christ but not on materials. Let us be touched by Christ; hence liberation will be enacted. (…) Because of the wound of our lives, we are not worthy to be touched by Him through the Eucharist….today in our lives. Today, they are many situations that touch us. (…) Christ gives his word and wisdom, “touched by it” so that we can become His witness. (…) A small touched so that it becomes a dose of CHARITY. So don’t let us be bothered by sadness. God is coming to save us…..  AMEN!”

The Messages of God in October 2016

9th October, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The 1st Reading – Kings 5:14-17; 
The 2nd Reading – Timothy 2:8-13; The Gospel Reading – Luke 17:11-19

The Lord says, 

“Listen to my voice, My people …listen to My Message, My message of Eternal Life. Your Life depends on my message of life. My message is the grace that helps you to live in the righteous way. Have you got faith in Me?  Where do you go to find Me? I am close to you…in your heart. Therefore, pray with faith and thanksgiving to Me, and let your hearts fill with my grace abundantly. When you are filled with My Spirit, you are made well! Because I come to save you from your illness. I call upon you, My dear children, to hear Me…, to listen to My message of life; if you do so, you will live in Me, and I live in you. BEHOLD! For I will make all things new in you… So come to Me and follow Me at all times. May your hearts fill with JOY! The Joy Everlasting! PEACE be with you! ”    

At today’s Sunday Mass the priest’s preaching draws our attention to the Holy presence of Jesus Christ in our midst, from whom we can find healing.  Here is the priest’s teaching that touched me most, “We are not concerned about the illness in the body alone, but also the illness in the soul due to sins! However, what is beautiful about what today’s scriptures say is that, ‘ill’, ‘heal’, ‘save’; in which God comes to heal us and save us. That is beautiful! (…) The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the presence of Jesus when he forgives and heals you. (…) At penitence, it is not the priest forgives but God. It is our FAITH in Him that we are healed….  Amen!”   

16th October, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The 1st Reading – Exodus 17:8-13; 
The 2nd Reading – Timothy 3:14-4:2; The Gospel Reading – Luke 18:1-8

The Lord says, 

“Pray a lot for yourself, your husband, your children and for all those who are in need of help…they are around you. Bring them close to my heart. I will answer your prayer if you preserver to pray “with the heart.” Do not be faltered… have faith in Me! Do not waste your time simply on your worldly affairs; spend your time to pray…, for it is the Source of life for you, your family, and for others. I shall bless you, and you shall be fruitful in the prayers. Peace be with you! ”    

At today’s Sunday Mass the priest’s preaching draws our attention to the importance of spending our time in the prayer. Here is the priest’s teaching that touched me most, “Discouragement is not critical (bad sense)! Christian shall not be discouraged on what the Lord asks for. (…) You may asks these questions, ‘Why have I prayed for years…, but there’s no answer!? Where is God?’ God is here… close to you – in your heart. The first Reading shows that those who preserver in the prayer, they will get the favour from the Lord. (…) We can ask our brothers and sisters to support us in the faith and in the prayer. God always answers our prayer(s) because He is our Father. So don’t be discouraged. (…) Let us ask the Grace from God to preserver in the prayer, and in this month of Rosary, ask Mother Mary to help us desire for Her Son, Jesus Christ, to do His will for His Glory. AMEN!”

The Messages of God September in 2016

4th September, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The Gospel Reading – Luke 14:25-33

The Lord says, 

“My dear children, PRAY for one another; LOVE one another; do not criticise... but show MERCY. Though your cross is heavy, do not lose hope...look at Me, My dear children, I am your HOPE. If you keep My Commandments, you shall live! And you shall never doubt what life leads you day-by-day, for I am with you forever.... So pick up your cross, humbly, and follow Me. I am the LIGHT of your life. Trust in Me. Be not afraid.... PEACE be with you! ”    
The homily of today’s 23rd Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Ps 118:135) does answer the word of God above:

Alleluia, alleluia!
Let your Face shine on your servant, and teach me your decrees (Laws). 

18th September, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The Gospel Reading – Luke 16:1-13

The Lord says, 

“Can you serve Me and at the same time you lavish on money matters? BECAREFUL! Do not being trapped by this foolish world! PRAY, Pray, My dear children...so that you could see the way to Salvation. I am with you all the time, do you know that? My Kingdom is near you... Do not waste your time in worldly ‘things’ but serve Me more, therefore, be prepared, I will come to save you! Thank you for having listened to my call. Peace be with you.... ”    
The homily of today’s 25th Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Ps 2 Cor 8:9) does answer the word of God above:

Alleluia, alleluia!
Jesus Christ was rich,
but He became poor for your sake,
to make you rich out of His poverty. 

The Messages of God in August 2016

5th August, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 16:24-28

The Lord says, 

“Hear My Voice crying in the wilderness; My Voice calling you towards conversion... I’m calling you towards the Salvation that I have brought to you. Come, and follow Me. Surrender your ‘selves’ now..., pick up your cross and follow Me. Time is short, convert and be saved through My merciful love. Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you.” 

The homily of today’s Mass was not noted, but this Gospel Acclamation (1 Sam 3:9; Jn 6:68, The Weekday Missal, Colins, 2nd Ed. 2005) does answer the word of God above:

Alleluia, alleluia! Speak, Lord, your servant is listening: you have the message of eternal life. Alleluia!

12th August, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 19:3-12

The Lord says, 

“My dear, dear children, why are you so unteachable? Why have you gone far away from Me? What can I do to save you more...? Do not be afraid to speak to Me about your problems, your doubts, your worries..., I know you from the very beginning.... Have no fear to approach Me whenever you want to. I will listen to you. Listen to what I have said: return to Me, be holy and practise what is good. Be merciful with one another, and pray for those who hurt you. I will give you the grace to overcome your difficulty, for My grace  will suffice. So, My little children, pray a lot – do you? Thank you for listening to Me, I bless you.”   +  

The homily of today’s Mass was not noted, but today’s Psalm (Is 12:2-6. R/ v.1) does answer the word of God above:

R/ Your anger has passed, O Lord, and you give me comfort. 

Truly, God is my Salvation, I trust, I shall not fear. 
For the Lord is my strength, my song, he became my Saviour. 

With joy you will draw water from the wells of Salvation.
Give thanks to the Lord, give praise to His name! 
Make His mighty deeds known to the peoples!

21st August, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The Gospel Reading – Luke 13:22-30

The Lord says, 

“Behold! I will come to you, My people; I will come to you like a blazing fire...to purify your hearts. You come to Me and you offer me an offering of thanksgiving. You would listen to Me as you know that “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!”You will no longer be afraid to do My work as My Spirit is upon you. I strengthen you and keep you holy (being good). Then you will walk with Me every day towards My heavenly Kingdom....  Would you agree...to do My service? Come and follow Me, and be saved. Thank you for having responded to My call. I bless you.”   
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Jn 14:6) does answer the word of God above:

Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, says the Lord; 
No one can come to the Father except through Me. 

28th August, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The 1st Reading – Ecclesiaticus 3:17-20. 28-29; 
The 2nd Reading – Hebrews 12: 18-19. 22-24; The Gospel Reading – Luke 14:1. 7-14

The Lord says, 

“Give everything you have to the poor, and follow Me. Free your ‘selves’ from being bounded to worldly things; look at Me and follow me. I am your Father who waits for your return. Come back to Me...My dear little children. I can never abandon you... You are the apple of my eyes. I need you to know this...that My heart beats for you. I see you, and I search for you at all times; My heart can never fail to save you from the trap of the dragon. WATCH! And see... where you go to? Pray at all times and be ready... for I am coming to you at any time. Be ready then, before I come to you ‘alone’ (individual encounter with God).” (...) My blazing fire...My Spirit will purify you and make you holy, and you will see then, the importance of living in HUMILITY. Humility gives you life in full with Me where ‘you can never fail’ (God’s strength is with you), because I am your God.  Do not doubt but believe, and I invite you to change your lifestyles, and walk with Me humbly...hence your lives will be filled with gladness! PEACE be with you. My PEACE I give to you."      

The homily of today’s 22nd Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Psalm (Ps 67:4-7.10-11. 
R/ v.11) does answer the word of God above:

R/ In your goodness, O God, you prepared a home for the poor.

Father of the orphan, defender of the widow, such is God in His holy place.
God gives the lonely a home to live in; 
He leads the prisoners forth into freedom. 

You poured down, O God, a generous rain: 
when your people were starved you gave them new life. 
It was there that your people found a home,
prepared in your goodness, O God, for the poor. 


The Messages of God in July 2016

5th June, received at Adoration, Banneux  

(10th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday Mass, Year C)

1st Reading – Kings 17:17-24; The Gospel Reading – Luke 7:11-17

The Lord says, 

“My dear children, do not think that the world can give you all the happiness, but I Am the True Happiness.... I am the Resurrection and the Life, whoever believes in Me, shall live! Do not waste your time seeking joy from the world, but I Am your Joy.... Seek me deeply in your heart. My grace helps you to find Me...so seek Me deeply in your heart. I am waiting for your return to me, and be saved. My grace helps you to know Me, and to KNOW Me is to LOVE Me...your God and your Saviour. Be still, and know that I am your God. Listen to My call to conversion...and may you have life in Me. Do not be afraid.... Come, and follow Me, and I will give you PEACE. Thank you for having listened to My call.”   AMEN!    

(I attended the morning Sunday Mass, but the teaching was not recorded. However the Psalm of today [29:2. 4-6. 11-13] does emphasise the Word of God above.)

R/   I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. 

The Lord listened and had pity. 
The Lord came to my help. 
For me you have changed my morning into dancing;
O Lord my God, I will thank you for ever.

10th June, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 5:27-32

The Lord says, 

“Bear witness to My Commandment and keep it in your heart. Be aware of your life...for without prayers, your life can be led to debauchery (selfishness). Take time to pray...so that you can avoid it (sin). If you know Me...you know My Commandment and you keep it in your heart. You shall never separate from Me. My Spirit will lead you to do what is good. Love one another as I have loved you. Your body is the temple of My Spirit..., take care of it, and nurture your heart with My love and thus, be freed from the world attachment. SEEK My Face...if you do seek It sincerely, you will find Me and be saved. I bless you.”  +     

Today is Friday, I went for the evening Mass after having an hour of adoration to the Blessed Trinity at the Blessed Sacrament.  Here is the priest’s teaching, “...We heard that in the First Reading is a violence! (...) Prophet Elijah...is a great prophet...(...) The question here is, when we are in the ‘front’ of our family, do we have a violent behaviour against them? (...)... always show negativity, critics, gossiping...alas, we live in the hurricane! In contrast, God calls us to be kind and gentle, like the gentle breeze...the Lord is in that gentle breeze. (...) Through our prayers, with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, ask God for the gentleness and patience like our Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!”

17th June, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 6:19-23

The Lord says, 

“SEEK the treasure in Heaven, with all your heart.... If you do so, you will find Me. I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life! Seek Me with all your heart, My dear, children do not be tired, but have faith in Me.”       

Today is Friday, I went for the evening Mass after having an hour of adoration to the Blessed Trinity at the Blessed Sacrament.  Here is the priest’s teaching,“...With regard to vanity...when you pray, do not do like a spectacle. Cupidity (greed) is a sin...as you do it yourself in your own interest, you cut-off (abandon) God. (...) That would mean you desire or to look for possessing more wealth, power,etc. This cupidity is rooted in our sick hearts...a heart that is miser. Why does it sick? Conversion is the way we see... for which can lead to Salvation - to the eternal life! We desire the Purification - it is essential. (...) Cupidity means egoist, like many advertising that encourage us to react to. It is world attraction ...a kind of love that keep us away from God and attaching to materialistic matters - there are lot of this case happens in today's world. You ask God for the grace of deliverance...of helping you being away from the world materialistic.Our pilgrims on earth is to be detached from it...freedom...to offer God until the end of our breath. Amen!

24th June, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The Gospel Reading – Luke 1:57-66. 80

The Lord says, 

“Here I am, I AM your SAVIOUR; I am alive and I am with you. Do not be afraid of this world that is apparently very difficult. Have you got faith in Me? If so, why are you afraid? PEACE be with you...My PEACE is with you all! Do not look at this world, but look at Me...your God of Mercy and Love. I wipe the teardrops of your eyes, and I continue to give you My strength so that you continue carrying your cross and follow Me wherever I go to....without weary, because I AM your STRENGTH, and that you love Me. Next, give more to your brothers and sisters what help they need...in faith. Proclaim My Salvation to everyone. And COME...follow Me until eternity. ”   AMEN!     

Today is Friday, I went for the evening Mass before adoring the Blessed Trinity at the Blessed Sacrament.  Here is the priest’s teaching, “... (...) At John the Baptist’s birth, several masses have been celebrated. Why? Because he proclaimed the Salvation. (...) He preceded our Saviour; he was conceived miraculously through the grace of God. (...) John the Baptist then proclaimed the Mercy of God – the Salvation. God bears all our sins! (...) At the Eucharist, it is the ultimate meeting between God and us. It is the Salvation of all souls...offer a lot of prayers to many poor souls – pray for them...that all men (souls) will be saved.  Amen!”

The Messages of God in June 2016

5th June, received at Adoration, Banneux 

(10th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday Mass, Year C)

1st Reading – Kings 17:17-24; The Gospel Reading – Luke 7:11-17

The Lord says, 

“My dear children, do not think that the world can give you all the happiness, but I Am the True Happiness.... I am the Resurrection and the Life, whoever believes in Me, shall live! Do not waste your time seeking joy from the world, but I Am your Joy.... Seek me deeply in your heart. My grace helps you to find Me...so seek Me deeply in your heart. I am waiting for your return to me, and be saved. My grace helps you to know Me, and to KNOW Me is to LOVE Me...your God and your Saviour. Be still, and know that I am your God. Listen to My call to conversion...and may you have life in Me. Do not be afraid.... Come, and follow Me, and I will give you PEACE. Thank you for having listened to My call. ”   



(I attended the morning Sunday Mass, but the teaching was not recorded. However the Psalm of today [29:2. 4-6. 11-13] does emphasise the Word of God above.)

R/   I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. 

The Lord listened and had pity. 

The Lord came to my help. 

For me you have changed my morning into dancing;

O Lord my God, I will thank you for ever. 

10th June, received at Adoration, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 5:27-32

The Lord says, 

“Bear witness to My Commandment and keep it in your heart. Be aware of your life...for without prayers, your life can be led to debauchery (selfishness). Take time to pray...so that you can avoid it (sin). If you know Me...you know My Commandment and you keep it in your heart. You shall never separate from Me. My Spirit will lead you to do what is good. Love one another as I have loved you. Your body is the temple of My Spirit..., take care of it, and nurture your heart with My love and thus, be freed from the world attachment. SEEK My Face...if you do seek It sincerely, you will find Me and be saved. I bless you.”  +     


Today is Friday, I went for the evening Mass after having an hour of adoration to the Blessed Trinity at the Blessed Sacrament.  Here is the priest’s teaching, “...We heard that in the First Reading is a violence! (...) Prophet Elijah...is a great prophet...(...) The question here is, when we are in the ‘front’ of our family, do we have a violent behaviour against them? (...)... always show negativity, critics, gossiping...alas, we live in the hurricane! In contrast, God calls us to be kind and gentle, like the gentle breeze...the Lord is in that gentle breeze. (...) Through our prayers, with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, ask God for the gentleness and patience like our Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!”

17th June, received at Adoration, Banneux 

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 6:19-23

The Lord says, 

“SEEK the treasure in Heaven, with all your heart.... If you do so, you will find Me. I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life! Seek Me with all your heart, My dear, children do not be tired, but have faith in Me.      

Today is Friday, I went for the evening Mass after having an hour of adoration to the Blessed Trinity at the Blessed Sacrament.  Here is the priest’s teaching, “...With regard to vanity...when you pray, do not do like a spectacle. Cupidity (greed) is a sin...as you do it yourself in your own interest, you cut-off (abandon) God. (...) That would mean you desire or to look for possessing more wealth, power, etc. This cupidity is rooted in our sick hearts...a heart that is miser. Why does it sick? Conversion is the way we see... for which can lead to Salvation - to the eternal life! We desire the Purification - it is essential. (...) Cupidity means egoist, like many advertising that encourage us to react to. It is world attraction ...a kind of love that keeps us away from God and attaching to materialistic matters - there are lot of this case happens in today's world. You ask God for the grace of deliverance...of helping you being away from the world materialistic. Our pilgrim on earth is to be detached from it...freedom...to offer God until the end of our breath. Amen!”

24th June, received at Adoration, Banneux 

The Gospel Reading – Luke 1:57-66. 80

The Lord says, 

“Here I am, I AM your SAVIOUR; I am alive and I am with you. Do not be afraid of this world that is apparently very difficult. Have you got faith in Me? If so, why are you afraid? PEACE be with you...My PEACE is with you all! Do not look at this world, but look at Me...your God of Mercy and Love. I wipe the teardrops of your eyes, and I continue to give you My strength so that you continue carrying your cross and follow Me wherever I go to....without weary, because I AM your STRENGTH, and that you love Me. Next, give more to your brothers and sisters what help they need...in faith. Proclaim My Salvation to everyone. And COME...follow Me until eternity.”   AMEN!  

Today is Friday, I went for the evening Mass before adoring the Blessed Trinity at the Blessed Sacrament.  Here is the priest’s teaching, “... (...) At John the Baptist’s birth, several masses have been celebrated. Why? Because he proclaimed the Salvation. (...) He preceded our Saviour; he was conceived miraculously through the grace of God. (...) John the Baptist then proclaimed the Mercy of God – the Salvation. God bears all our sins! (...) At the Eucharist, it is the ultimate meeting between God and us. It is the Salvation of all souls...offer a lot of prayers to many poor souls – pray for them...that all men (souls) will be saved.  Amen!”

The Messages of God in May 2016

1st May, received at Adoration, Banneux 

The Gospel Reading – John 14:23-29

The Lord says, 

“My dear friends, I am your “Peace”; do not look further...but look towards Me. My Cross is the symbol of Peace for all nations of all faiths; I AM who I AM. Search deeply in your heart, the goal towards Salvation. SEEK it with all your heart and bear with Me, I will show you the way, for I AM the WAY. Be not afraid, but trust Me... . Hold My hand, and that I will lead you to My Father, your Father who loves you. He is impatiently waiting for your return...thus do not wait to search Me now, and My Peace I give to you... always. PEACE be with you!”   

Today, prior to going to Adoration, I attended the morning Sunday Mass. Here is the priest’s teaching, “... ‘LIVE IN ME,’ this word makes us reflect upon it. (...) First, God makes the interior movement. Second, God comes to live in our heart. And third, We come to help welcome Him – to desire Him – He gives us Peace. Jesus said, ‘My Peace I give to you.’ (...) Jesus is not seen like the war action; His call is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. God is Peace in Himself. The Holy Spirit is PEACE...this is important. This peace makes us loved by God. (...) Our world never tastes this interior peace. We need to have the capability to stop it (war). (...) Meditate upon this, “I am God’s loved one.” Yes, Jesus gives us peace, but he does not come to us like thief. Jesus said, ‘If anyone listens to My Word, I will come to love Him.’ (...) Question: ‘How can I show God that I love Him?’ It is to have a talk with Him or to pray more and more. We are to look at Jesus and be fed by His Word. We just open the door of our heart; we then are fed by His Word. (...) It is like a coin: on one side, it is us and the other side, it is God. (...) God is not far away from us, so let us open the door of our heart and let Him come in. (...) However, Pride is the problem here – want to have self-controlled. (...) God is the FIRST in our life rather than anything else. God knocks on the door of our heart at any time – be on watch! (...) PEACE can be obtained and it is dependable on our own reaction. It is the way on how our life will be like.  AMEN!”

8th May, received at Adoration, Banneux  

1st Reading – Acts 7:55-60; 2nd Reading – Apocalypse 22:12-14. 16-17. 20; The Gospel Reading – John 17:20-26

The Lord says, 

“Grow in Holiness every day, and extend Charity always...to every one without cease. For I am good, so do you – be good! Pray for that you be strong in your mission, to do what is good for My Glory. I bless you.”      

Today, I went to Adoration, and then I attended the morning Sunday Mass. Here is the priest’s teaching, “Brothers and sisters... (...) LOVE one another as Jesus loves us. Jesus said, ‘I give you My Peace.’ Do not seek from the light of the world. We are to be disciples of Jesus; missionary...that is our vocation. St. Stephen is the first Christian martyr. Before he was stoned to death, he knelt down and said, ‘LORD, do not hold this sin against them.’ And, ‘LORD, receive my spirit.’ (...) As you can see, “FORGIVENESS,” means the Lord does not count on their sins. (...) In the book of Apocalypse, it invites us to have the thirst for God. Those who have the thirst let him come – come to Jesus. Jesus will not give us the water, not until we are thirsty.  ‘COME, Lord Jesus!’ Jesus said, ‘Yes, I come without delay.’ Jesus is thirsty for us that He wants us to sincerely come to Him. (...) The mission of the church is the desire to return to Jesus. (...) Jesus will come in His Glory to embrace (welcome) all humanity – it is then to have a true thirst that will wait for Jesus’ return. How many of us will wait? (...) UNITY is another aspect; (...) we need to have brotherhood charity and the ‘word’ to unite us. Take care of our word...as it brings us unity. (...) Calamitous destroys people life. Distrust destroys one’s dignity. (...) Let us ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to obtain the grace of having a thirst for Jesus...to drink the Water that is blessed by God. Through Her Maternal Love, She brings unity in our community, family.... Pentecost is something marvellous for us!   AMEN!”   

15th May, received at Adoration, Banneux

1st Reading – Acts 2:1-11; 2nd Reading – Romans 8:8-17; The Gospel Reading – John 14:15-16. 23-26

The Lord says,

“Immerse yourselves into My Ocean of Love... and be in Peace. BE near Me...touch My heart, My wounded heart. I long for you to come to Me, and taste My goodness. BE not afraid, My dear little children, for I AM the Prince of Peace; I send you My Spirit to guide you where you go to..., what you do. What do you intend to do? I invite you to pray for your own conversion, so that you will be able to see the Light of My Glory! The Light of My Resurrection is in you! NO more sadness, no more fear...of this world. I come to free you and that you may have life in the full, in ME. I love you as who you are. You are the apple of My eyes.  Change your heart now and be filled (receive) with My Holy Spirit. Be then in ONE with Me, as I am ONE with My Father, your Father. Thank you for having listened to My call. RECEIVE...My Spirit, and My PEACE I give to you all! ”   AMEN!    


Today, I went to Adoration, and then I attended the morning Sunday Mass. Here is the priest’s teaching, “... (...) We are made to be led by the Holy Spirit. It reminds us of Nicodemus... (John 3:1-15). Brothers and sisters, we are children of God, but we are not convinced by it. We are all led by the Holy Spirit. (...) We do not know where we go to in this world, but the Holy Spirit is there to lead us to the righteous path. (...) We receive the Holy Spirit at Baptism, at Confirmation...that is unction. (...) We are invited by the Holy Spirit ....to receive the Charisma. We are loved by Jesus. (...) The Holy Spirit teaches us all....for instance, the Word of God that we receive every Sunday. (...) We become Christ’s disciples – receive His word and be fruitful. (...) Receive the Holy Spirit to the FULL! Each person expresses according to how the Holy Spirit leads. (...) What are marvels of God in our lives? It is to be His witness! The Holy Spirit touches our hearts and helps us to proclaim the Good News to everyone. (...) The Holy Spirit makes us CRY OUT, “ABBA, FATHER!” Despite our diversity in cultures, etc. (...) The Spirit is against unspiritual (Body); the VICTORY is in HOPE – we are in hope to combat ourselves (spiritual combat)...but we have already had the victory because we believe in Jesus Christ. (...) The Holy Spirit works inside us. Pray: “Come Holy Spirit, our Consolator, and our Lord. Calm our souls.” The Holy Spirit works in our hearts...to deliver us. (...) To be pure in heart is fundamental. The obstacle here is pride! But the Holy Spirit comes to purify our hearts. (...) Christians are very difficult to live in the presence of Christ. God is in the midst of us. Jesus is resurrected! (...) The gifts of the Holy Spirit are Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Fortitude (strength), Piety (goodness), and Fear of the Lord (wonder, honour). If you have not received the Charisma, ask God for it in your prayers... The Salvation is to be given freely and to be conveyed freely to others. (...)The Charisma is the one that gives us HOPE; the MERCY of God is there...as Jesus Christ is Merciful! So “GIVE” freely, and God will bless you.  Amen!” 

22nd May, received at Adoration, Banneux 

(The Most Holy Trinity – Sunday Mass, Year C)

1st Reading – Proverbs 8:22-31; 2nd Reading – Romans 8:22-31; The Gospel Reading – John 16:12-15

The Lord says, 

“My dear children, listen to My call...My call is important...it is urgent. I call you to take time to pray...to come close to Me and to listen to My Word, My Word of Wisdom. If you do not come to Me and pray, alas, you do not know what My Wisdom is. There is so much thing I want to tell you...so that you will be filled with My GOODNESS, which the world can never give you. Have you got time for Me? I am waiting for you, My dear little ones. It is high time to save your lives...simply through Me, through My grace of Merciful love. COME...Taste and See what I can give you – Trust Me! I am the beginning and the End. I AM, I WAS and I WILL BE your GOD. I invite you to pray in silence, and SEEK My Wisdom that saves you. Do not be afraid! My Holy Spirit will lead you...day-after-day in your prayer. COME...come back to Me and be saved! Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you. ”     AMEN!    


Today, I attended the morning Sunday Mass. It was a special Mass of The Most Holy Trinity. I then went to adore the Blessed Trinity at the Blessed Sacrament (Adoration).  Here is the priest’s teaching, “(...) God is more beautiful and richer than the theology! We approach God through prayers.... (...) When we are in love, we can hardly end speaking...continue speaking with the one we love.... So does Jesus, thus Jesus said, ‘I have so much to tell you...’ When the Holy Spirit visits into our hearts, we become understand His will or His purpose. (...) The Holy Spirit knows the Father and the Son. The Father is the One who guides and incites us. The Son is the Brother, Jesus is with us – God is with us! The Holy Spirit is the one who gives us Strength, as we are weak. (...) At every Eucharist, we meet the Most Blessed Trinity. (...) I invite you to pray with “STRENGTH”, pray for yourselves and for one another.   Amen!”   

The Messages of God in April 2016

th April, received at Adoration, Banneux 

The Gospel Reading – John 6:1-15

The Lord says, 

“LOVE (Charity) is the first... in your life. It is the most important one! Bear it in mind, My children, for without it, there is no life. Take My Commandment of Love in your heart and, nourish it day-by-day through prayers. Without prayers, there is no love; and when there is no love, there is no life. In every trial, put your hope in Me and trust Me in My MERCY. People come to Me, and I feed them; I give all what they need. Be fed with My Word as well, for My Word will set you free. It will give you life and the strength to follow Me every day. Those who seek Me, will find Me.... I never abandon you, My little ones. Be firm, take heart and pray at all times. I bless you! ”   +

I went to the Adoration, and then I attended the evening Mass. Here is the priest’s teaching, “...The Gospel shows us the Light of Jesus’ Resurrection! (...) The JOY of His Resurrection! (...) Do not risk yourself by contradicting God. We need to cooperate with Christ – NO WAR against God. Despite humiliation, let us celebrate the joy of God in His Kingdom. (...) Jesus does not do miracles without man’s cooperation. He needs us. (...) Jesus asked His disciples to get some bread and fish and He does the miracles later. Jesus gives food to His people... it is great miracles! (...) God simply takes a little gesture to multiply bread – for nothing is impossible in God! (...) His little gesture – that is CHARITY – is to help us.... Therefore, do not forget of His little gesture of charity – GOD is FAITHFUL. Amen.”      

15th April, received at Adoration, Banneux 

The Gospel Reading – John 6:52-59

The Lord says, 

“SEEK and you shall find; Knock and the door will open unto you; Ask anything in My name, you will be satisfied. Take time to pray and be near Me.... I am the Bread of Life. No doubt, but believe. I am close to you...so take time to adore Me and to love Me. Thank you.”

I went to the Adoration, and then I attended the evening Mass. Here is the priest’s teaching, “The Gospel speaks of the ‘Body of Christ’. (...)How can we be aware of ‘that’ when we eat? (...) The word “live”... is to live in Christ. Jesus says, ‘If you eat Me, you live in Me and I live in you. (...) The LORD would like to have a New Covenant with man; to live in Him in everlasting life; so that means we live with Him, through Him and in Him. (...). The Lord’s gift always exists. (...) The Eucharist is all our ‘person’ – Christ lives in us. St. Paul says, ‘It is not me, but Jesus Christ lives in Me.’ (...) Eat His Body and Blood.... The Bible makes one’s life a living person like the running water....life without aridity. (...) Jesus comes to meet man so that His Body becomes our body – united until we become like Him. (...) We found the “Sacrificed Love,” and we are transformed into Him (in His image), and that we are fed of His Presence every day.”  

24th April, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The Gospel Reading – John 13,31-35

The Lord says, 

“Listen to My Word, My little children, listen to My Word: I am with you and I am among you, if you love one another; for CHARITY comes from ABOVE and IT is pure love (Immaculate). Charity comes from the heart, not from the mind. Thus if you love Me, get your heart cleaned; repent and believe the Good News. Be faithful to Me and My Commandment of Love. If you do so, you are My disciples and know who I AM; I will be your God and you are mine. Share then the love that you have learnt from Me with others who do not know Me. Be My witness of My Merciful Love, and I will bless your work for My glory. Listen then if you have ears. Peace be with you! ”     AMEN!

Today, prior to going to Adoration, I attended the morning Sunday Mass. Here is the priest’s teaching, “Why does the church give us today’s Gospel to reflect on? (...) Why this Gospel? (...) There is a LIGHT penetrate the church – that is the GLORY! (...) We have to know ‘it’ - the nature of the Glory. (...) The Glory of Jesus...is JESUS.... The wounded love of Jesus is offered to us. Always wounded...VICTORIOUS...Victory of Love. (...) This Gospel is to make us understand that the weight of Christians’ glory is...LOVE...CHARITY that is victorious against hate! (...) We’re invited to be the witness of Charity; from Noel to Easter...is Charity. (...) Jesus forgives Peter, the Pharisees, etc... You can have anything: the power to rule the world, the richness, great faith...., but without love, you are nothing! We need to love one another – love is greater than anything! (...) Matthew shows his love for Christ. Do we? (...) We can become victims because of love. (...) Our love is FRAGILE than what Jesus said, “to love.” We are WEAK, but Jesus’ love is greater! Look at your own family: ‘Am I the witness of God’s love?’ Do we love as God loves, or as we love (humanly love). Let us pray, ‘Help me Lord to love as you; give me your heart. Let my heart be resembled as you.’ (...) At work, or in your family – ask yourself: ‘Is Jesus there with me?’ or ‘Is it me alone?’ (...) God’s love goes to all borders! When you are hurt by others...there is forgiveness...all is possible in Jesus. Let love grows every day in us. We always give out of God’s love. (...) In our life journey...ask God for FORGIVENESS. When there is the love you have for one another – God is present. God lives in you – God says, ‘Trust in Me.’ Hence LOVE...and you will have the Glory of God. Be the witness of God’s love. Always...turn to JESUS – say to Him, ‘Jesus, give me your heart!’ AMEN!”         

The Messages of God in March 2016

6th March, received at Adoration, Banneux  

(The 4th Sunday of Lent)

The 1st Reading – 2 Corinthians 5:17-31; The Gospel Reading – Luke 15:1-3.11-32

The Lord says, 

“You see...how much My heart longs for you? My children, My heart longs for you to come back to Me. I am your Father who loves you. Be not afraid to return to Me...I am waiting for you. If you pray...I will help you see the right path..., you will never be lost as you open your heart to Me...to help you! I want you to have all you need to live. May your life is filled with My Spirit and free you from all your worldly anxieties, problems, sickness, iniquity...and that My PEACE dwells in you. Be not afraid to return to Me, for I am humble and meek in heart, and I am here...close to you, to save you. Are you coming back to Me, My children? ”   

Today, I went to the morning Sunday Mass, and then to the Adoration. There is none I could address here as to what the priest’s preaching is, however, the word from today’s scripture did touch me:

Gospel Acclamation     (Luke 15:18)   

I will leave this place and go to my father and say: ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.’

20th March, received at Adoration, Banneux  

HOLY WEEK:  Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday), Year C

The 1st Reading – Isaiah 50:4-7

The Lord says, 

“PEACE be with you, My dear people! I come..., I come soon to save you..., to get rid of your suffering. Give Me your hurt heart...and I will heal you. Do not be sad anymore, wipe your tears away. I love you very much! And I will bring you in My heart. Doubt no more, but believe in Me – I am your Saviour. I call upon you to be My disciples, and bring My word of HOPE to everyone...for I never forget My people who are suffering. I will be at their side when they call on Me. No more suffering as I have overcome the world by the Cross I give to you. Have faith in Me, My dear children, and be freed.... I bless you.”  +

(At this moment, I saw Jesus Christ was stretching His arms and putting His hands over all His people and bless them. Amen!)   

The 2nd Reading – Philippians 2:6-11; The Gospel Reading – Luke 22:14-23:56, Year C

The Lord says, 

“My dear children, My small ones... I hear your voice of pain from your hearts – be strong! Do not be afraid! Carry your cross with Me and trust Me. I will deliver you from your pain. Bear with Me and pray a lot to overcome your adversity. I will be your stronghold each time you fall! Be not afraid; persevere in the prayer...so that My Peace overshadows your soul. I am your Prince of Peace. Believe in Me, and your faith will make you well. I bless you.”  +  

(I thought God is so generous to give His second blessing upon us! Amen. )

Today, I went to the morning Sunday Mass, and then to the Adoration. There is none I could address here as to what the priest’s preaching is, however, the word from today’s scripture did touch me:

Psalm     (Psalm 21: 8-24)   

‘He trusted in the Lord, let Him save him; let Him release him if this is his friend.’ 


‘O Lord, do not leave me alone, my Strength, make haste to help me!’

27th March, received at Adoration, Banneux

Easter Sunday (The Resurrection of Christ), Year C

The Gospel Reading – John 20:1-9

The Lord says, 

“I love you My people; I know who you are waiting for. If you love Me..., you run towards Me...to reach Me. And you detach your ‘self’ from the world. You search for Me because you need My help...and you love Me, because I love you. I will give you all the possibility to find Me...to find Me in your heart. You can never be lost as I am your Light, and you rely on this Source (Christ’s Light). I am the RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, whoever believes in Me, shall never perish, but you shall live! Do you believe in Me? Draw closer to My heart, and love Me more...and more each day...till your life turns into the image of My love and Mercy...for everyone. Then you know that you are My witnesses like My disciples...John, Peter and Mary Magdala who love Me; they ran to search (see) Me, searching for the Truth, and the Truth has set them free: I AM your Resurrected Saviour...who lives and reigns forever and ever.... ”     AMEN! 

Today, I went to the morning Sunday Mass, and then to the Adoration. During the Mass, I was moved by the priest’s teaching; here is the priest’s homily, “...Today is Easter, Christ is indeed resurrected! Alleluia! (...) Based on the Gospel, there are three fundamental elements that remind us so as to live in Christ’s Resurrection every day: RUN towards Christ, SEE what He shows us, and BELIEVE what we saw – with humility. (...) So when you encounter a difficult situation in life, who are you looking for? The Resurrected Saviour.... You run towards Him and pray that God sheds light on your situation, for He is here and wants to save you....  (...) Put your hope in Him, and bear witness to everyone that, indeed, Christ has risen and He is amongst us. Do not be afraid... Pray that His grace makes you audacious to do so. (...) Let us pray with our Mother Mary, ask for the grace of loving God more and more..., to run towards Him, to see and believe...His glorious Resurrection! Amen.” 

The Messages of God in February 2016

7th February, received at Adoration, Banneux 

The Gospel Reading – Luke 5:1-11

The Lord says,

“My beloved people, I am your God who loves you. Have you got the time to pray a lot, and meditate upon my Word? May Peace be with you all. If you pray...My love remains with you, and you will live! Open your heart and receive Me...and follow Me. Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you.”       


I attended the Sunday morning Mass today, and I then visited the Lord at the Adoration. At the Mass, I was touched by the priest’s advice i.e. to say “Jesus, I trust in you!” when any trial weighs down our shoulders. I was touched because when I was on my way to the Mass, I was repeatedly saying it in my heart and soul, “Jesus, I trust in you!” Here is the priest’s preaching:  “Brothers and sisters, today the Pope has called us to be the missionary of Mercy. Prior to being merciful to others, it is important that you “your-self” need God’s mercy (self-conversion). Be merciful is to be able to say “I forgive.” (...) It is not an easy task to say it, isn’t it? But in God, nothing is impossible! Ask the grace from God “to be merciful.”(...) When we are sinned, we say, “Lord, I am not worthy to be with you!” Again, at this Eucharist later, we say, “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say a word and my soul shall be healed.” (...) God is Love; hence it is through His love that He forgives us. (...) When you face any trials, you tend to blame God, “Why this happened to me, Lord!” Why this and why that...! Instead, say to Him, “Jesus, I trust in you!” (...) Let us ask God for the grace of mercy to those who hurt us, and may His Peace reign in our heart. Amen!”  

12th February, received at Adoration, Banneux  

(Friday After Ash Wednesday)

The 1st Reading – Isaiah 58:1-9

“My small ones..., have you got faith in Me? Draw closer to My Heart... and pray with sincerity. I am listening to you, and I know your problems. Do not be afraid, My children, because there is one ‘thing’ that you can trust... it is ME – Me alone. My dear children, there are a lot of rooms of improvements, day-by-day. Make time for yourself; close the door and PRAY. Let Me listen to your plea, but...have you got faith in Me? If you do, I make you (feel) well. If you pray and fast, be sincere and do good..., that pleases Me. SEARCH your heart profoundly, and give Me all what deter you from coming to Me. And, I will do the rest. TRUST Me. Pray a lot.... PEACE, be with you.”   

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 9:14-15

Having read and meditated on today’s Gospel, I questioned the Lord what the scripture means: ‘...But the time will come for the bridegroom to be taken away from them, and then they will fast.’ In brief, the LORD replied... 

The Lord says, 

“The act of LOVE is the central argument here.”  

I understood that through the act of LOVE, we want to be with GOD because He loves us first and that we fast to help us draw closer to HIM when we are being in a distance from Him. AMEN!

Today, I went to the Adoration and then to the evening Mass. Here is the priest’s preaching: “Fasting that is pleased by God is... to share with the poor. (...) First, the question is “WHY”? (...) The Pharisees fast...but Jesus’ disciples do not. Why? (...) Brothers and sisters, fasting is not the point of being sad...is not sadness, but it is True Happiness... for the scripture says, ‘...But the time will come for the bridegroom to be taken away from them, and then they will fast.’ So, the disciples will fast. (...) Fasting is LENT.... It is to discover this “marvellous secret”, that is, the bridegroom – JESUS – a Spouse. It is the secret of prayer...to live heart-to-heart with God so as to find HIM – the BELOVED CHRIST. To find HIM in a prayer is to discover the essentials, day-by-day. (...) We love Masses, likewise, at LENT is to discover JESUS at the Eucharist...hidden at the altar.  Amen!” 

26th February, received at Adoration, Banneux 

The 1st Reading – Genesis 37:3-4.12-13. 17-28

The Lord says,

“My dear people, I am not far from you; I will never abandon you. If you put your HOPE in Me, you will be saved. Like Joseph (ruler of Egypt), My lost sheep, I can never abandon him. I took care of him from the beginning till the end. He put his trust in ME. My dear ones, I cherish you... I keep you in My heart, close to Me. You could never be lost because I am your refuge. Do not be afraid.... PRAY at all times... and put your hope in ME. Be strong, My dear children!”  


The Gospel Reading – Matthew 21:33-43. 45-46

The Lord says, 

“Do everything I have asked you to do, and do it with LOVE.  And I will give you more blessings.”  AMEN!   

Today, I went to the Adoration and then to the evening Mass. Here is the priest’s preaching:  

“Today’s Friday Reading, is the Reading that tells us about Joseph’s story who was deceived by his brothers, also, it is the story of Salvation. The Lord calls us to conversion. (...) Despite man’s refusal to obey God, God perseveres: God send us His son to save us. God’s work is marvellous! That is, God’s perseverance! (...) In Genesis, Joseph...is Jesus in his passion deceived by Judah. (...) What marvellous thing it is, to find out the Mercy of God...until God is nailed on the cross. We trust in His Mercy – be holy! Open our heart to the Mercy of God. Open our heart to receive His marvels, likewise today, at this Eucharist.  Amen.”

The Messages of God in January 2016

3rd January, received at Adoration, Banneux  

(The Epiphany of the Lord)

The 2nd Reading – Ephesians 3:2-3. 5-6; The Gospel Reading – Matthew 2:1-12

The Lord says,

“I am the bright morning Star.... I came in silence...in the stable of Bethlehem – in the manger; I am the First and the Last; I am the Alpha and the Omega. I come to the world to bring the Good news to all mankind; may your heart filled with joy! For I am your Good Shepherd who comes to take your sins away; I wipe your tears away, and I console you. I give you all My love so that you can be healed through My Mercy. Look up! Stand up, My dear children! And follow the Star...the bright Star of Bethlehem. Stay awake to pray and be aware that I am with you. So do not be afraid. PEACE be with you all!”     

Today is Sunday, the Epiphany of the Lord; I went to the morning Mass, and I then visited the Lord at the Adoration. Here is the priest’s preaching of the Sunday Mass:  “(...) There are three things which I would like to highlight here in line with the day of Epiphany today.  At Epiphany the Magi brought presents to the little Jesus, those of: gold, frankincense and myrrh. (...) What about you? What do you want to give to Jesus (God) this year? (...) The three gifts from the Magi may correspond to what we can give to God: Gold represents the kind of service you want to offer to God; frankincense represents the time you want to offer to God in your personal prayer; and myrrh represents your involvement that you offer in the community of prayer, for examples, the prayer within your family members, attending masses, in which it helps develop your faith and to change your direction towards God’s path... (...) Let us ask this grace from God, and through the Blessed Virgin’s intercessions for us.... continue to do God’s will for a common good of all mankind. Amen!”

10th January, received at Adoration, Banneux  

(The Baptism of the Lord) – 1st Sunday of Ordinary Time Feast – Cycle C

The 1st Reading – Isaiah 40:1-5. 9-11; The 2nd Reading – Titus 2:11-14. 3:4-7; The Gospel Reading – Luke 3:16. 21-22

The Lord says,

“Give thanks to Me, My people, for all you have received from Me. Imagine what life means to you? I am your Life, and I am your Resurrection. Life is more precious than anything...I give you life, eternal life. For without Me, you will have no life. Give thanks to Me for it.... Give thanks to Me for what you have had for living. Help those who are in need as I have helped you. Make your time to pray and give thanks to Me, and I will bless you more.... Thank you and I bless you.” +       

(I did not record the Sunday homily, however, given below is today’s Sunday Psalm that reminds us of God’s message above that He is the giver of life; so let us thank God for life and for everything!)

Today’s Sunday Psalm 103: 1-2, 3-4. 24-25. 27-30 

R/ Bless the Lord, my soul! Lord God, how great you are.

How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you have made them all.

The earth is full of your riches.There is the sea, vast and wide, 

with its moving swarms past counting, living things great and small. 

All of these look to you; to give them their food in due season.

You give it, they gather it up: You open your hand, they have their fill. 

You take back your spirit, they die, returning to dust from which they came.

You send forth your spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth. 

17th January, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The 2nd Reading – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

The Lord says, 

“Listen to My Voice, My people, listen to My Voice.... Open your heart to My Spirit and listen to My Voice. Forget about your worldly matters, but listen to Me and be saved. For I am the Light of your life, and I am the Source of all you need....” 

The Gospel Reading – John 2:1-11

The Lord says, 

“I am the Light of your Life; I am the Source that you need; have you got time to pray? Listen My people, I come to give you life in full. I give you all you need like what I gave those who needed the wine in Cana. Ask anything in My name, and with faith, I am listening to your need. Be haste, take your time to pray...and trust Me: your Source of ALL! I bless you.”  +


(I did not record the Sunday homily, but today’s Sunday Gospel Acclamation touched me and it reminds us of God’s message above that He invites us to listen to His Voice, for He has the message of eternal life – the Good News! )

Today’s Sunday Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia!

Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life: you have the message of eternal life. Alleluia!


Alleluia, alleluia!

Through the Good News God called us to share  the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia!

24th January, received at Adoration, Banneux  

The 1st Reading – Nehemiah 8:2-6. 8-10;  The 2nd Reading – 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 

The Lord says, 

“I am your God, and I am going to give you My Word today so that you have Peace. My Law is simple, just, pure...: Love one another and make Peace with one another. Do not fight for justice but pray for justice. Be ONE in heart and mind with your brothers and sisters.” 

(I asked the Lord to clarify “brothers and sisters.” God clarified that we are to be one with all people regardless of their cultures, religions and faith.) 

“Be in one, to work for justice (dignity), and MERCY shall spring out from your heart to create reconciliation, unity and peace among you. Please, my children, listen to My Voice; listen to My Word...because I love you and I want you to be part of My body; each one of you bears witness to My Word of Peace, Love, Unity and great Joy! I am with you, My children, hence do not be afraid to walk in the Truth. BEHOLD, for I will make all things new!”



(I did not record the Sunday homily; however, given below is today’s Sunday Psalm that reminds us of God’s message above that He invites us to listen to His Voice, for He is Simple, Just and Pure! Listen to Him and rejoice! For the joy of the Lord is our stronghold!)

Today’s Sunday Psalm (18:8-10. 15. R/ John 6:63)

R/ Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life.  

The law of the Lord is perfect, it revives the soul.

The rule of the Lord is to be trusted; it gives wisdom to the simple   (Note: perfect = Pure)

The precepts of the Lord are right, they gladden the heart.

The command of the Lord is clear, it gives light to the eyes.           (Note: right & clear = Pure)

The fear of the Lord is holy, abiding for ever. 

The decrees of the Lord are truth and all of them just.                        (Note: holy = Pure)

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