GOD's WORD in 2017
The Lord guided me to reading the Scriptures of that day before addressing His message(s) to me.
The Messages of God in December 2017
1st December, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Luke 21:29-33
The Lord says,
“My dear children, the time is at hand… that I come to bring Peace to the world. (“When Lord,” I asked. He continues…) When people return to Me, and listen to My word, My Peace will reign in their hearts. I am the Prince of Peace. Do you believe in Me? who is your Saviour? Notwithstanding, man shall not have peace if pride is in their hearts. My Word is your stronghold; take my Word and keep it in your heart. Thank you for adoring Me. I bless you with My Fatherhood Blessing: in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” + Amen!
The homily of today’s Friday Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Lk 21:28) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Stand erect, hold your heads high,
Because your liberation is near at hand.
15th December, received at Adoration, Banneux
(The 2nd Week of Advent)
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 11:16-19
The Lord says,
“My dear people, do not waste your time with the pleasures of this world. Turn to Me, who is your God and your Saviour. What can I give you? I give you healing, hope, faith, joy, peace and all the goodness that you cannot have in this world. For this Advent, take some time in silence…to be with Me, to communicate with Me, to contemplate upon the Joyful Mystery… where you will find PEACE and JOY to meet Me and My mother, your Mother. Be on your guard that I will come to save you. Be in Peace! I bless you.” + Amen!
The homily of today’s Friday Mass was not noted, but today’s Entrance Antiphon, Gospel Acclamation and Responsorial Psalm does answer the word of God above:
Entrance Antiphon: The Lord is coming from heaven in splendour to visit His people, and bring them peace and eternal life.
Alleluia, alleluia!
The Lord will come, go out to meet Him.
Great is His beginning and His reign will have no end.
Responsorial Psalm: Anyone who follows you, Lord, will have the light of life. (Jn 8:12)
22nd December, received at Adoration, Banneux
(The 3rd Week of Advent)
The Gospel Reading – Luke 1:46-56
The Lord says,
“My dear people, adore Me with a grateful heart and with joy…like Mary, your Mother. A humble heart will regain strength from Me to do all things what man cannot do. Do not be afraid, My dear children, stand firm when the day comes that I come to visit you… (I asked, “What do you mean, Lord?” He continued…) When trials come, stand firm! Pray at all times and hope in My saving grace. I am with you forever… Trust Me. I shall be your REFUGE.” Amen!
The homily of today’s Friday Mass was not noted, but today’s Psalm (1 Sam 2:1. R/ v.1) and Gospel Acclamation does answer the word of God above:
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
My heart exults in the Lord, I find my strength in my God;
my mouth laughs at my enemies, as I rejoice in your saving help.
Alleluia, alleluia!
King of the peoples and corner-stone of the Church,
Come and save man whom you made from the dust of the earth.
29th December, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 1st Reading – John 2:3-11
The Gospel Reading – Luke 2:22-35
The Lord says,
“I understand that many do not recognise me. Pray for them that My grace will help them see who I AM, and to see the meaning of life, without Me and with me… what is the difference? Is there anything you want to know who I AM? Turn to Me then, love Me, and adore Me. And thus you know who I AM and what I want you to do in your life. Do all things with goodness, which you can only find from Me… the Source of All Goodness. Are you ready to follow Me? I bless you.” + Amen!
I attended the Friday Mass today, and here is the priest’s homily during the Eucharist celebration; the priest preached: “(…) Today’s Gospel tells us about the presentation of Jesus to the Highest Priest, Symeon, in the temple. (…) It puts in the picture of how Jesus consoles His people in Jerusalem. (…) The Lord invites us to welcome the consolation… because in yesterday’s Gospel (Matthew 2, 18) for Rachel, she cries for her children and does not want to be consoled. (…) Christmas is a deep renewal – Jesus comes to be with us. (…) We are called to welcome His Merciful Love. (…) LIFE is revealed to us and is given to us through the child, Jesus. Symeon sees the Salvation through the child, Jesus… the love of God consoles us. (…) His salvation is the consolation – JESUS alone is the SAVIOUR and our LIFE; life that is ETERNAL. Amen!”
The Messages of God in November 2017
10th November, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 1st Reading – Romans 15:14-21
The Gospel Reading – Luke 16:1-8
The Lord says,
“Take up your cross and follow Me… I make you strong enough to walk where I go to. Will you follow Me? It’s high time now to think about your project of life: if you intend to follow Me…forget yourself, take up your cross and follow Me; if not, I let you free. Do not wait for too long… The time has come… My Salvation is coming to you. SEEK and you shall find Me. Pray a lot!” + Amen!
The homily of today’s Friday Mass was not noted, but today’s Psalm (Ps 97:1-4, R/ cf. v.2) does answer the word of God above:
R/ The Lord has shown His salvation to the nations.
Sing a new song to the Lord for he has worked wonders.
His right hand and His holy arm have brought salvation.
The Lord has made known His Salvation; has shown his justice to the nations.
He has remembered His truth and love for the house of Israel.
All the ends of the earth have seen the Salvation of our God.
Shout to the Lord all the earth, ring out your joy.
17th November, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 1st Reading – Wisdom 13:1-9
The Gospel Reading – Luke 17:26-37
The Lord says,
“My children, listen to My call towards conversion. Do not turn back the clock, move forward. There’s no way to go now, but turn to My Salvation that I offer you. I am the Way of your salvation. I AM who I AM from the very beginning… Come and worship Me and love Me with all your heart… Search Me and you’ll find. I’ll give you life in full. Without ceasing…, I love you! and you are mine. Will you listen to My call? Come and follow Me, with haste… . I bless you! ” + Amen!
The homily of today’s Friday Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Lk 21:28) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Stand erect, hold your heads high,
Because your liberation is near at hand.
The Messages of God in October 2017
8th October, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 21:33-43
The Lord says,
“My dear people, be watchful! Whatever you do, say and think…I know. Do you know that it is important to think of Me in whatever you do? Or, are you confident of yourself? Life has no meaning without My grace. Hence, take Me into account in whatever you do, say and think, so that My Spirit will guide you to the right path, and you will be filled with joy in your objective of life. Pray, My children, pray a lot, now and always. Seek My Face… I bless you.” +
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Psalm (Ps 94:19-20. R/ Is 5:7) does answer the word of God above:
R/ The vineyard of the Lord is the House of Israel.
…we shall never forsake You again: give us life that we may call upon Your Name.
God of hosts, bring us back;
Let your Face shine on us and we shall be saved.
15th October, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 22: 1-14
The Lord says,
“My dear people, listen to My call towards conversion. Be vigilant in what you are doing every day, as it may not lead you to eternal life. Make sense in your life on what is good and what is bad. I invite you to come to Me and savour My goodness which I would like to give you today, but will you listen to My call? I am your Good Shepherd, whoever listens to My Voice and follows Me…, shall not be lost; I will take care of you, and lead you to true happiness which you cannot find it in this world. Do you accept My invitation? Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you.” + Amen!
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Psalm (Ps 22. R/ v. 6) does answer the word of God above:
R/ In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever.
The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Fresh and green are the pastures, where he gives me repose.
Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit.
He guides me along the right path; He is true to His name.
If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear.
You are there with your crook and your staff;
With these you give me comfort.
Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me, all the days of my life.
In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever.
20th October, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Luke 12:1-7
The Lord says,
“Pray a lot, My dear children, remain in contact with Me at all times. I know who you are… for I have made you in my own image. I am your Creator, your God, and there is no others. Therefore, take time to approach Me in a silent place. I will listen to you… What can I do for you? Do not be afraid, My dear children, come closer to Me…to My heart; I wish to save you… Give your ‘self’ (being) to Me entirely, and only then I can help you…only My grace will suffice. Put your TRUST in ME completely – no doubt. I bless you.” + Amen!
The homily of today’s Friday Mass was not noted, but today’s Psalm (Ps 31:7) does answer the word of God above:
You are my refuge, O Lord; You fill me with the joy of salvation.
27th October, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Luke 12:54-59
The Lord says,
“PEACE be with you, My dear people! Be faithful to Me, and pray for your own conversion. Conversion leads you to true happiness, as you go along the path that I show you every day. You will find PEACE, JOY, HOPE and SALVATION. Do not lose hope when you fail, but persevere in the prayer. Your life is depended on My grace… Without prayer…, life has no meaning - you have no direction; the direction which I alone can give you. (Pause) Do not judge others, but see what can be done to correct your ‘self’ (inner-being) through self-conversion. Do not be afraid… draw closer to My heart – Merciful Heart. I invite you to observe My commandment (statute) and live with it. Taste the goodness that I give you, and REJOICE! I love you and I bless you! ” + Amen!
I attended the Friday Mass today, and here is the priest’s uplifting homily during the Eucharist celebration; the priest preached: “(…) The sign is given daily, but we can’t see it…that’s not the good way to welcome the Salvation. The gospel speaks of forgiveness. If there’s no forgiveness, that’s the end of the planet. It is not easy, I know! It is rarely that we react positively towards the person who hurt us or does what is bad! (…) There is always tension in a family life, in a community, etc…hence how to live? Therefore, get ready to forgive unconditionally – to be “small” (humble) in front of God…SO, FORGIVE! (…) We allow the Kingdom of God lives in us. The Passion of Christ delivers each one of us…from our sins. Sins hurt us and lead us to death! But the GRACE of God gives life to live in Christ. Let’s ask for this grace from God, for His presence is in the midst of us. Amen!”
The Messages of God in September 2017
1st September, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 25:1-13
The Lord says,
“Be alert! Stay awake! For you do not know the hour that I will come to you. Be prepared then, as I am coming soon to you... Do not worry…, but pray so that you may gain Wisdom to walk with Me day-by-day towards My Kingdom. PEACE be with you!”
The homily of today’s Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Luke 21:36) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Stay awake, praying at all times,
for the strength to stand with confidence;
before the Son of Man.
10th September, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 2nd Reading – Romans 13:8-10
The Lord says,
“My commandment, is pure, simple, and clear: LOVE your neighbour as yourself. If you do so, you respect My Creation, and that you love Me, your Creator. I love you with an everlasting love, and I keep you in My heart every day. Without cease, I call your name…to follow Me…but, do you listen to Me, My dear children? Do you have ears to listen to My call? Why do you keep yourself away from Me? while I am here waiting for you to return to Me… But My heart keeps opening to welcome you. So whoever listens to Me and follows Me, shall be saved. Are you ready? Then, amend yourself and follow Me without delay…as each day the clock keeps going till it ends. I love you… .”
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Psalm (Ps 94:6-9/ v.8) does answer the word of God above:
R/ O that today you would listen to His voice! Harden not your voice.
O that today you would listen to His voice!
“Harden not your hearts as at Meribah,
as on that day at Massah in the dessert
when your fathers put Me to the test;
when they tried Me, though they saw My work.”
22nd September, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 1st Reading – 1 Timothy 6:2-12
The Lord says,
“My dear people, I call you to be holy. Be holy…in what you do, say and think. Fix your eyes to Me, whatever you do, say and think; and pray at all times.” Amen!
I attended the Friday Mass today after the Adoration. Here is the priest’s marvellous homily. He preached: “…The Scripture says in the first Reading, ‘Religion, of course, does bring large profits, but only to those who are content with what they have. We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it; but as long as we have food and clothing, let us be content with that.’ Though the root of the Word is there, people tend to love money! (…) What is the primary ‘weight’ here? It is not money! Not material! For Christians, with that… does not give you the eternal life! (…) What is ‘eternal life’? As you can see, nowadays, there are many sects that promote those ideas “money”, “materials”, etc. The eternal life is for example, having “patience” - do we ask for it from God? Meek – do we ask for it? Humility – do we ask for that? (…) No critics, disputes, jealousy, mistrust and other human ill attentions can give the eternal life! Such situation depicts that there are many lost souls! Now, what does give the primary ‘weight ‘in life? It is having “CHARITY” alone! (…) Pray to the God, “Lord, help me to be holy. Help me to be meek, humble and faithful. (…) There isn’t any Resurrection without Passion – as Christ. We experience sacrifices in life… that is the cross. Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) Hence amend your ‘self’ and follow Him till the end. (…) Every one of us… ask for these graces from God through our prayer with the Blessed Virgin Mary: the quality in spirituality, charity, to be able to listen to God’s word, and for goodness, so that to help you advance correctly in spirituality. AMEN! ”
The Messages of God in August 2017
6th August, received at Adoration, Banneux
(Feast: The Transfiguration Of The Lord)
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 17:1-9
The Lord says,
“My children, prayers give you inner STRENGTH, FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE for Me and for others, and for your ‘self’. Do not be afraid, I will raise you up when you fall. Fear no evil, but look up… to Me, towards My Cross, My glorious Cross…is for you! Pray a lot… Spend the time to pray; for without prayers you cannot see the Truth: I am the Truth, the Way and the Life. Come and follow Me.”
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 17:5) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
This is My Son, the Beloved,
He enjoys My favour;
Listen to Him.
11th August, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 16:24-28
The Lord says,
“My dear people, My little ones… Listen to Me: I AM the Light of the world. I AM the First and the Last…: I AM the Alpha and the Omega. Come and adore Me, for I am only…your GOD, and I LOVE you… Secondly, continue to walk with Me until the end of time. When you meet your cross, do not be afraid, but trust Me… for I am always with you to help you up. Persevere to love Me and walk with Me…till the end. I bless you.”
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Reading (Matthew 16:24) does answer the word of God above:
Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let Him renounce Himself and take up his cross and follow Me…’
20th August, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 15:21-28
The Lord says,
“Faith gives you Strength to live with justice and goodness. For without Faith you are dead in your spirituality. Be aware of that…My little children! PRAY, and SEEK for this virtue so that you could live in its fullness. Have faith in Me, and listen to My Word and live! Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you.”
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Reading (Matthew 15:28) does answer the word of God above:
Then Jesus answered her, 'Woman, you have great faith. Let your desire be granted.' And from that moment her daughter was well again.’
27th August, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 2nd Reading – Romans 11:33-36
The Lord says,
“I am, I was, and who is to come. I am your God… Dead can have no power to overcome Me, because I have conquered dead. I give you My Cross, which leads you to Salvation. Whoever believes in Me, will live with Me forever. Do you believe in Me? Come and adore Me, and give Me your troubled heart and I will give you life. Do not be afraid, for I am your God who loves you, and saves you! DO NOT be afraid of dead, for I have conquered it through My precious body and blood (Sacrifice), which is deliberated for you. COME and ADORE Me… your GOD. Thank you. ” (At this time, at the end, I had a vision: God raised His right hand to bless us. + )
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 16:13-20
The Lord says,
“SEARCH deeply in your heart… My Kingdom is there. There is a treasure there that you have not search for… Take your time to pray sincerely and faithfully… and you will find Me. If you search deeply in your heart for this treasure, you will find it, as My Kingdom is near you…, in your heart. Love Me more… I bless you.” +
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Communion Antiphon does answer the word of God above:
The Lord says: ‘The man who eats my flesh and drinks My blood will live for ever; I shall raise him to life on the last day.’
The Messages of God in July 2017
2nd July, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 2nd Reading – Romans 6:3-4, 8-11;
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 10:37-42
The Lord says,
“My beloved people, listen! I am the First and the Last – the Alpha and the Omega: I know your present, past and future… You can never hide from Me. I know you well in person. I am the Living God. Come and worship Me, and give Me your heart. And I will give you mine. I will transform you to be a ‘living being’ (new life), but not dead! You shall live with Me, and REJOICE! For I have come to save you from the darkness and from being sinned…, which put you down to dead. I AM the Living God, loving and merciful. For this reason, I died for you, so that you may live with Me through My Resurrection! Do not be afraid, but trust in My Sacred Heart, which I give to you. Will you welcome Me to your heart? Do not be late… Thank you for listening to My call. I bless you.” +
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (1 Peter 2:9) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,
a people set apart to sing the praises of God
who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
21st July, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 12:1-8
The Lord says,
“Peace be with you! My peace I give to you. My dear people, do not be afraid; for I come to save you. Listen to My Voice: repent, and believe the Word of Life (the Gospel). Learn from Me day by day…, if you learn from Me, you shall endure for ever…: Life gives you hope, peace, joy, and you may pardon yourself and others’ sins. Be merciful, dear children; love one another as I have loved you, now and for ever. (Amen!). Come, and follow Me… Listen then if you have ears.”
I attended the Friday Mass today, and here is the priest’s uplifting homily during the Eucharist celebration; the priest preached: “(…) JESUS… is truly a man. There is a greater temple than Jerusalem - the temple is Sabbath (…) Jesus comes from Nazareth… He is not above the temple – but also, He is not below the temple. (…) Jesus discreetly affirms that He is GOD. It is good for us to revisit our faith here… THAT MAN who is truly a man…He comes near us – He is GOD; He is the MASTER of Sabbath. He is greater than the temple. The Credo (i.e. the prayer, “I believe in God…) is good – to remind us about it. (…) It is through Him that helps us to be humble - He is Merciful. (…) Be aware of your weakness; do not hide any ‘thing’ from the Lord, but humbly bow down before Him - to be all “smallness” (lowliness). MERCY is to be accepted in front of Jesus, and surrender all your iniquities. In front of Jesus, you offer to Him all your weaknesses, vulnerability, poverty… with humility, without being feeling guilty; so that you will not go back to be the same person. Amen!”
28th July, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 1st Reading – Exodus 20: 1-17
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 13:18-28
The Lord says,
“My dear people, make a choice in your life…; where do you want to go? Listen to my Word. Do not use violence in order to reach your egoist reason. Be prudent! Have mercy with one another; take my word instead of correcting your neighbours’ faults. Be patient! Address my commandment of love each time you encounter difficulties. I never abandon you! I will be with you, always…Pray, for prayers make you strong. I listen to you. Be pure (holy) and just, as I am Holy and just. If you ask anything of these in My Name, I answer you. Do not be afraid. Continue to walk with Me faithfully. I give you the possibility to do so…if you trust in Me. Thank you for listening to My call.” Amen!
The homily of today’s Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Luke 8:15) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessed are those who,
with a noble and generous heart,
take the word of God to themselves
and yield a harvest through their perseverance.
The Messages of God in June 2017
2nd June, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – John 21:15-19
The Lord says,
“My children, love one another as I have loved you; showing charity with one another is the great virtue. Do not be afraid to sow this seed among you. Come and follow Me. My dear children come and love Me day-after-day in unity with My Father, and My Holy Spirit. You shall be freed from all obstacles in your life as you come to love Me and follow Me. Trust in Me at all times, and pray at all times. PEACE be with you….” Amen!
I attended the Friday Mass and then the Adoration. Here is the priest’s heartening homily during the Eucharist celebration; the priest preached: “(…) Jesus calls Peter when he (Peter) fails to catch plenty of fish or no fish at all! So Jesus says to him, “Throw your net in the sea!” Suddenly, Peter catches a lot of fish! (…) At the end, Jesus asks him, “Peter, do you love Me?” Peter replied “Yes, I love you.” (…) Therefore, the most important here is “do you love Jesus?” It is part of your life whether you want to love him or not. You have the freedom to choose. (…) Jesus is always there to give us STRENGTH – we forget that, don’t we? (…) It is when we are in difficulty, Jesus comes to us… If one did something bad to us, Jesus comes… Jesus comes to us when we are weak; it is in our weakness that Jesus comes… Though we are weak, God is strong in us! His grace increases in us when we fall. All He wants is… to see that we are saved through His Merciful love. (…) Jesus calls us three times, and we must love Him three times; likewise, Peter says three times that he loves Jesus. Ask this grace from God, through the Virgin Mary’s prayers, that we are able to love Him more and more each time and every day. Amen!”
9th June, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Mark 12:35-37
The Lord says,
“My dear little ones, listen to Me: I am here to save you. What I want you to look at is…”My Heart.” My heart draws (moves) to you, closer and closer… Come and adore Me. Let My heart listen to your needs, do not be in trouble; do not be sad or worried…but trust in My Sacred Heart. Love Me more and be converted your ‘self’ more and more…until you see profoundly the inner Joy, Peace, Hope that come through Me. Find this Salvation for your life, which endures for ever and ever. ” Amen! “I bless you!”
The homily of today’s Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Jn 14:23) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word,
And My Father will love him,
And we shall come to him.
16th June, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 5:27-32
The Lord says,
“My dear people, listen to My plea – be good! I have seen the world is full of distress, lusts, pretentious hearts (liars)…, I should not say all… you have known it. Did you see…, how sins engrave in your hearts? I wish that you turn away from your sins and believe in the Good News, and live in the righteous path, despite your weaknesses (poverty). Make an effort to follow My Commandments, and save your souls. Be perfect as I am perfect (Holy). Listen then if you have ears. Thank you.”
The homily of today’s Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Jn 10:27) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
The sheep that belong to Me, listen to My Voice,
says the Lord,
I know them and they follow Me.
26th June, received at home, Cornesse
(The Sacred Heart of Jesus, Year A, on 23rd June)
The 2nd Reading – 1 John 4:7-16
The Lord says,
“ASK, and it shall be given unto you; SEEK, and you shall find; KNOCK, and the door will be open up for you. Whoever has ears to listen to My Voice and welcome Me, I will come in and dine with you. I shall remain in you…in your heart; I will listen to your prayer, and give you the courage to pray every day with love; My heart thirsts for you every day… I shall be your friend who love and care for you. I will be your Hiding Place; you shall never be worried of anything but, you trust Me – My Sacred Heart. My love shall cover you completely, and My Father, Me… your Saviour, My Spirit shall remain in you forever. My dear people, be prepared before I come to you… Thank you.”
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 11:26-30
The Lord says,
“My dear children, do not be afraid, in times of difficulty – I am with you; also, in times of happiness – I am with you. Do you know that? I give you My Sacred Heart… the Source of your life. Love Me and trust Me, and I bless you.”
I attended the Friday Mass on the 23rd June. Here is the priest’s heartening homily during the Eucharist celebration; the priest preached: “Venerate the Heart of Jesus…today is the feast. (…) How do you love Him? He is like the flowing spring; (…) there is… a place that reveals us. Jesus’ Heart is for us. On the cross, Jesus thirsts…for loving us. He said that…when he was on the cross. Now He continues saying that to us. (…) It’s the same way like when we say to others; for us it is the end, but not for God. (…) What do we do so that our love draws out towards others; for God’s sake, whatever we do is supposed to be by means of love in abundance! For God’s love is never exhausted! Never! (…) When we look at Jesus’ cross, He has given us all His love in abundance! (…) Do we love man as God does? What Source of Love! (…) Mother Teresa, she lived entirely in the love. Through this thirst of love from Jesus, giving it to others…that life is thirsty, who lives in Him. Amen!”
The Messages of God in May 2017
5th May, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – John 6:52-59
The Lord says,
“I am the Living Bread from Heaven; those who eat the Bread (Christ’s Body), shall never be hungry; and those who drink My Blood, shall never be thirsty; for I am the Source of your life.”
I attended the Friday Mass. Here is what the priest’s preaching during the Eucharist celebration, on which it touched me: “(…) Many people state that Jesus’ Word is “fool”(false): to eat His Flesh and to drink His blood? In people’s mindset…it is very violent word of Jesus. So…how do we welcome this Word with JOY? What kind of intelligence is there that we have with such Wisdom “to eat the Flesh”? (…) The answer is, we have to have an immense desire to live! To understand it! I’d like to live is… to live through You, JESUS! To express the strength to desire for JESUS…is to have LIFE. (…) Now, the Eucharist is not to receive so as to have a little more the strength, but to be TRANSFORMED in me, and you by Him, and that He, JESUS’ risen life is on me and you. (…) When we serve with CHARITY, we communicate with the eternal life – as we eat the Eucharist…we communicate with HIM…who IS ETERNAL. Amen.”
12th May, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – John 14:1-6
The Lord says,
“Be still, My children. Be still, and listen to My call. Be still, and know that I am your God. Take your time to pray, My little children, and meditate upon the mystery of My resurrection…I am the Way to the Father; I am the Truth….SEEK Me with all your heart; have faith in Me, and doubt no more…, love Me more with all your heart. My little children, listen to My Voice…I am speaking to you with tenderness: I am the Resurrection and the Life. Your life will be blessed and filled with great joy! Life with Me is a blessing! Therefore, My dear children, do not wait any longer…to find the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am waiting for you patiently. PEACE be with you! ” Amen!
I attended the Friday Mass. Here is the priest’s homily during the Eucharist celebration, on which it touched me: “The gospel is “heavy” (deep) enough to understand… To understand Jesus Christ’s resurrection, Jesus said, ‘Let your heart be not in troubled.’ And he continued saying, ‘Peace be with you!’ (…) the Peace in heart …is to believe in Him – that‘s FAITH – to trust Him…is Faith. (…) Jesus said, ‘Believe in Me as you believe in God. (…) I am the Way that leads to the Truth.’ (…) To have peace in heart… is to walk humbly with Jesus. (…) If you do what is true…in Christ, you walk in the right way, and that’s “Life.” Jesus says the WAY that leads us to LIFE. (…) Ask Jesus for his tender Heart… so that you’ll be with Him. Ask Jesus for the PEACE, in Truth, in Life and in Hope. Amen.”
26th May, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – John 16:20-23
The Lord says,
“The joy that I give you is that…I have come to save you; happy are those who listen to My Word and keep it.” Amen!
I attended the Friday Mass and then the Adoration. Here is the priest’s heartening homily during the Eucharist celebration; the priest preached: “(…) This Sunday is the last Easter Sunday – the 7th Easter Sunday, and the Pentecost will be next Sunday. (…) It is worthy when we wait for it. (…) We’re sad because we did not wait for it. Instead, we tend to wait for ourselves, for others, etc. But NO one respond you! (…) The Holy Spirit does not wait for us for being sad…but the Holy Spirit waits for us to have Peace and Joy; be patient and not being impatient… The Holy Spirit converts all our limitations: our impatience and sadness… (…) Pentecost is like the tongue of fire, and we’re waiting for the Holy Spirit mysteriously; our heart is already filled with the Holy Spirit but is not completely filled. However, if our heart is not filled with it completely, then the Holy Spirit keeps knocking at the door of our heart. The problem here is that, we always close our heart, because of being “busy” in life! (…) God promises to give us the Holy Spirit and to be with us in His Kingdom. (…) Novena of the Holy Spirit is a beautiful prayer… PRAY, and WAIT for the HOLY SPIRIT. Amen!”
The Messages of God in April 2017
12th April, received at Adoration, Banneux
(Holy Wednesday)
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 26:14-25
The Lord says,
“My dear children, how many times should I call you to conversion? Look, I suffered… Have you shown mercy to Me? Don’t you love Me? I invite you to come to me, and repent. Listen to My call to bear witness of My suffering (Passion of Christ) for your salvation. I love you forever, as you are. Thank you for listening to my Word today and keep it. I bless you.” +
The homily of today’s Mass (Holy Wednesday) was not noted, but today’s Psalm (68:8-10. 33-34. R/ v.14) and the Communion Antiphon do answer the word of God above:
R/ In your great love, O Lord, answer my prayer for your favour.
It is for you that I suffer taunts, that shame covers my face,
that I have become a stranger to my brothers, an alien to my own mother’s sons.
I burn with zeal for your house and taunts against you fall on me.
I will praise God’s name with a song; I will glorify Him with thanksgiving.
The poor when they see it will be glad and God-seeking hearts will revive;
For the Lord listens to the needy and does not spurn his servants in their chains.
Communion Antiphon: The Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
16th avril, received at Adoration, Banneux
(Easter Sunday)
The Gospel Reading – John 20:1-9
The Lord says,
“My dear people, I am indeed risen. I am among you. Without My resurrection, you have no life…because I am the Source of Life. Have faith in Me, My dear people. My little ones, make your time to pray (to be with Him), for without Me, you are nothing; look at yourself…without Me, what would you see? I give you My love, and liberty. Would you choose to follow Me, or the world? If you believe in Me, your risen Lord, you shall live with Me forever. Follow Me… I bless you.” +
I attended the Easter Sunday Mass in the morning. Here is what the priest’s preaching during the Eucharist celebration, on which it touched me: “Brothers and sisters, JESUS is RISEN! Our LORD is RISEN! Now, let me hear you say it, “The LORD is RISEN! Indeed, HE is RISEN! ALLELUIA!” (The congregation repeated with warm heart and joy!) The Lord has died and has risen. Easter is a very important day, because without His resurrection, life has no meaning and the Eucharist doesn’t exist. (…) Indeed, the LORD has come to save us, for the scripture did say so… His presence here at the Eucharist is real, and He is with us now and forever! (…) Therefore, since he is risen, we Christians, should not be sad or hurt anymore…Let He take all our sadness, pain, etc… (…) Give it to Him. (…) Do you know… that in us, there is ‘a tomb’: sadness, hatred, worried, hurt, etc…all these should be delivered by the RISEN LORD, so that you can be filled by His Spirit of resurrection and be renewed (healed). Come back to Him and repent. The Lord wants us to be happy not sad – that’s why as Christian, despite all problems, God is there to support us to relief us. (…) Our communion with God is vital – pray. Pray for the grace of God will be upon you today, and that you’ll be filled with His joy and peace, for He is your risen Lord! Amen.”
28th April, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 1st Reading – Acts 5:34-42; The Gospel Reading – John 6:1-15
The Lord says,
“My dear little children, have you seen My goodness? Day after day…I give you LIFE, I give you HOPE, I give you JOY, and I give you PEACE…if you do believe in Me. Do you believe in Me? I am your Saviour now and forever. I shall be with you to help you continue your journey (passage) with Me in the world, and the truth will set you free… No more crying and distressing, My dear ones. Come to Me… and follow Me wherever I go to. Thank you. I bless you!” +
I attended the Friday Mass. Here is what the priest’s preaching during the Eucharist celebration, on which it touched me: “JESUS is Risen, INDEED, HE is risen! Alleluia! (…) Let’s reflect upon this “Greeting” for 5 minutes… We’ll see ‘something’: does HIS resurrection have a great impact in you? How do you live? Now that Jesus Christ is in your ‘tomb’ (the darkness inside you), Jesus comes to you to make you live! Does HE have an impact in your daily life? (…) All Jesus’ disciples had changed from sadness into JOY! After they had seen Jesus Christ in their lives! : You see… sadness turns into JOYFULNESS! You see… when you meet Jesus, you live! NO MORE as before… He makes my life, where He is risen, and so does your lives: JOY! If you are in joy, you have the Risen Lord; if not, you are always in the tomb (remain in your darkness). Suffering is not the last word, but JOY! HOPE! In JOY! NO MORE Sadness and crying! The proof is there…THE EUCHARIST! Amen! He is indeed risen! Smile like me, like Jesus! Amen.”
The Messages of God in March 2017
5th March, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 2nd Reading – Romans 5:12-19
The Lord says,
“My grace and love are similar. Anyone who favours My grace, shall be redeemed by Me and be made whole (cleaned). But man who favours disobedience, shall fall into sin and be condemned to death itself. I come for sinners, to make them see the righteous path, to bear witness to My resurrection, and to bear fruit in plenty… I call you to grow in holiness, and make an effort to pray every day; for the time is short… do not waste it. Be still and know that I am your God…come and adore Me… Thank you. Peace be with you! ”
The Gospel Reading –Matthew 4:1-11
The Lord says,
“Have FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY, and the greatest is LOVE… take time to pray to overcome temptations. Give me thanksgiving in times of difficulties, and may My love grows in your heart.”
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass (the 1st Sunday of Lent) was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Mt 4,4) does answer the word of God above:
Man does not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
12th March, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading –Matthew 17,1-19
The Lord says,
“If you know the gift that I give you, you will return to me and ask for more. There is nothing rather than to love… if you love one another, My love remains in you, and I transform you into My image.” (I asked, “What is this image, Lord?” He continued…) “The reflection of My glorious image will shine upon you and fill you with joy! You will never be afraid but you trust Me, because you know the beauty of My gift…that free you from fear and follow Me whenever I am. Will you come to follow Me? (…) SEEK, and you shall find Me. SEEK My face… every day. My dear ones, do not be afraid. I bless you.” +
The homily of today’s Sunday Mass (the 2nd Sunday of Lent) was not noted, but today’s Entrance Antiphon does answer the word of God above:
My heart has prompted me to seek Your face; I seek it, Lord; do not hide from me.
19th March, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 2nd Reading – Romans 5:1-2. 5-8
The Lord says,
“Pray a lot for one another. Pray a lot…so that you could walk in the Truth. Pray a lot…so that My love will be with you every day. Thank you! ”
The Gospel Reading –John 4:5-42
The Lord says,
“Drink the water that I give you, My dear people, and you will not thirst for… again. You will ask me for more because I am the Source of Life. SEARCH Me, with all your heart…”
The homily of today’s Mass (Third Sunday of Lent) was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation does answer the word of God above:
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!
Lord, you are really the Saviour of the world;
Give me the living water, so that I may never get thirsty.
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the word of God!
31st March, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – John 7:1-2. 10. 25-30
The Lord says,
“I am the Light of the world; those who follow Me, shall have eternal life. Do not search Me very far away as My Kingdom is close to you…. Have faith in Me, My people, and look at Me with the eyes of love. Because I am your Good Shepherd, humble and gentle in heart…follow Me.”
I attended the weekday Mass on Friday after the Adoration. Here is what the priest’s preaching during the Eucharist celebration: “…The question to know here is the “origin of Jesus.” Who is Jesus? (…) He is the son of a carpenter, Joseph, and Mary. (…) There are two reasons to put forward in debate, one because He is the Son of God, and the other is that He did miracles on Sabbath Day. (…) He is a man like us, hungry, thirsty, fatigue… but He is a man without any sin. Whilst we are like others…we always doubt of His Divinity that He is indeed Christ. If you keep Jesus, Jesus is with you. But if you doubt…you need evidence – you are lack of faith to believe that Jesus is GOD! NOTHING is impossible in God! (…) For us, it is radical! (…) Again, there are two places: doubt and our attitude in the society. In the world, many have been persecuted because of TRUTH! In the Name of CHRIST! (…) My only existence is the TRUTH. Now, it is JESUS that I see! The Church! Not politics! (…)”
The Messages of God in February 2017
5th February, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 1st Reading – Isaiah 58:7-10; The Gospel Reading –Matthew 5:13-16
The Lord says,
“My dear people, listen to Me. I come to save you. Do the same as I do for you, help Me to save others. I am with you… follow Me, and do what is good…save My people (your neighbours) who are not in the Light (in Christ)…because they cannot see My Light. I am the Light of the world. Those who follow Me, shall never be lost… because I show you the way. Help your brothers and sisters who have not seen me. Bring them closer to My heart. And I will do the rest…. Do not be afraid; I am your Good Shepherd. Thank you for having listened to my call.”
The homily of today’s 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Jn 8:12) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the Light of the world, says the Lord,
anyone who follows Me
will have the light of life.
12th February, received at Adoration, Banneux
The Gospel Reading –Matthew 5:17-37
The Lord says,
“Life has no meaning without love; love is rooted in man’s heart but sin cursed them to death. I have come not to abolish the Law but to accomplish It. Come closer to My Sacred Heart, My dear children, come… closer to me… It resonates in your soul. I wish that the world has all what I have promised…that you choose life rather than death. Whoever follows Me, My love grows in your soul (heart); you will consume my love which helps you to live, and my wisdom is within you. I shall be your Master, thus you live forever with Me. Your life has meaning now as I live in you (in your soul). Love Me and your neighbours. That is My greatest Commandment, and it surpasses all things…in heaven and on earth. Be not afraid, but follow Me…till the end. I bless you.” +
The homily of today’s 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass was not noted, but today’s Sunday Psalm (Ps 118: 1-2. 4-5. 17-18. 33-34. R/ v.1) does answer the word of God above:
R/ They are happy who follow God’s law.
They are happy whose life is blameless, who follow God’s law!
They are happy those who do his will, seeking him with all their hearts.
You have laid down your precepts to be obeyed with care.
May my footsteps be firm to obey your statutes.
Bless your servant and I shall live and obey your word.
Open my eyes that I may consider the wonders of your law.
Teach me the demands of your statutes and I will keep them to the end.
Train me to observe your law, to keep it with my heart.
17th February, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 1st Reading – Genesis 11:1-9
The Lord says,
“My dear people, pray a lot, pray a lot so that you can find the right direction. I AM the only WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. Thank you to come near Me and adore Me. I bless you.” +
The Gospel Reading –Mark 8:34 – 9:1
The Lord says,
“My little children, without cease…find Me…; listen to My teaching which was brought to you by My prophets and elders. If you do so, you shall walk in the right path… Follow Me.”
The homily of today’s Mass (Friday – 6th Week in Ordinary Time) was not noted, but today’s Gospel Reading does answer the word of God above:
Jesus says,
“…If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for My sake, and for the sake of the Gospel, will save it. …”
The Messages of God in January 2017
1st January, received at Adoration, Banneux
(Solemnity of Mary – The Mother of God)
The Gospel Reading – Luke 2:16-21
The Mother of God says,
“Your sins have been cleansed by the blood of my Son. He is worthy to be praised and adored. I am your Mother, Mother of God. I continue to call you to a conversion of heart. Be not afraid to come to my Son, for He is waiting for your return to the Father, who loves you from the very beginning. He is your only HOPE… Be still and knows that He is your GOD. I bless you with my Motherhood blessing: in the name of the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.”
The homily of today’s 2nd Sunday after Christmas Mass was not noted, but today’s Sunday Psalm (Ps 66: 5. 6. 8. R/ v.2) does answer the word of God above:
R/ O God, be gracious and bless us.
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
let all the peoples praise you.
May God still give us His blessing
Till the ends of the earth revere Him.
22nd January, received at Adoration, Banneux
The 1st Reading – Isaiah 8:23 – 9:3; The 2nd Reading – Corinthians 1:10 – 13. 17;
The Gospel Reading –Matthew 4:12-23
The Lord says,
“My dear, dear children… Do you have enough what you have had in this world? Do you know that you are lacking of ‘one thing’? “PEACE.” Because you are surrounded by all your troubles; where do you want to go to now? Are you ready to repent and believe that I am you Saviour? If you turn your back from the world and follow Me, you can be assured of My aid: I will come to save you and free you from your burden. No more tears, no more fight, no more selfishness shall be your master, but I AM. And you shall have “PEACE” in Me. So My dear people, get ready to repent. Thank you. I bless you.” +
The homily of today’s 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass was not noted, but today’s Gospel Acclamation (Mt 4:23) does answer the word of God above:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Jesus proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom,
and cured all kinds of sickness among the people.
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